Borer are a cutting edge company leading the world in the fields of cleaning and disinfection for professional applications in hospital hygiene, the industrial sector, in laboratories, and in the pharmaceutical sector.
Since their foundation in 1965, they have been developing, producing, and selling recognised brand products and proven methods for demanding applications under our umbrella brand deconex®. In the sales department we work together with experienced partners from around the world, and are thus able to offer competent advice on site.
Our most problematic samples are plant extracts that have been extracted with organic solvents and have poor aqueous solubility. Some of these are resinous or gummy. We are often cleaning narrow-necked glass round bottom flasks where accessing the residues with a brush can be problematic… We found that the Borer Deconex® 15-PFx works well for removing plant extract residues off our glassware!
Whether you are an analytical chemist looking at trace analysis, an organic chemist synthesising a new compound or in a pharmaceutical laboratory running QC tests, scientists know that even the slightest contaminant can ruin an analysis or affect a reaction. Good laboratory results and reproducibility demands clean glassware or parts as a non-negotiable.
Don’t waste time and money doing repeat washes or waste your samples and reactions on ruined tests.