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In Vitro Technologies supplies proven, reliable, and versatile solutions for Spray Drying & Encapsulation cover a broad range of applications. Discover the time- and cost-saving solutions for R&D particle formation.

BUCHI’s proven, reliable and versatile solutions for Spray Drying and Microencapsulation cover a broad range of applications. Discover the time- and cost-saving solutions for R&D particle formation.

Dr Hani Al Salami

Customer Focus | Dr Hani Al-Salami

Dr Al-Salami is a world expert in bio-nanotechnology, drug pharmacology and tissue bio-engineering, specialising in diabetes treatment. He has extensive research output and successful merit-based competitive funding from the pharmaceutical industry, and prestigious Australian and European funding bodies. With BÜCHI Labortechnik AG's support and cutting edge bio-encapsulation technologies, Dr Al-Salami has established an advanced drug and tissue encapsulation lab at Curtin University and in 2014, has pioneered a new generation of bile-acid biomaterials with pin-point accuracy for drug targeted delivery that enabled the creation of a bio-artificial pancreas!

Check out his research papers here:

Click here to find out more about the Buchi Encapsulator B-390 which has been used across various applications like Pharma, Food, Feed, Cosmetics, Textiles, Agriculture:

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